var lprops = {"profileUrl":"","sourceIdentifier":"6","clientId":"","campaignId":"","statusUrl":"","accountType":"TWITTER","messageId":"","fullMessage":"Hi Rowena, making changes to the price of our products is always a last resort, however, costs across our supply chain have risen steeply. Core ingredients we heavily rely on, like cocoa and sugar are a lot more expensive, while the cost of energy, packaging, and transport also remain high. As a results, we are having to make some carefully considered price increases across our range so we can continue to provide consumers with the brands they love without compromising on taste or quality.","destinationIdentifier":"01","postId":"","screenName":"CadburyUK","completeHash":"6014isdVM","userId":"","accountId":"","postTime":"","linkProperties":"","friendlyUrl":"","originalMessage":"Hi Rowena, making changes to the price of our products is always a last resort, however, costs across our supply chain have risen steeply. Core ingredients we heavily rely on, like cocoa and sugar are a lot more expensive, while the cost (cont) ","profileImageUrl":"","hash":"4isdVM"}